

Genes: 32

SGD Description
Mitochondrial methionyl-tRNA synthetase (MetRS); functions as a monomer in mitochondrial protein synthesis; functions similarly to cytoplasmic MetRS although the cytoplasmic form contains a zinc-binding domain not found in Msm1p

PomBase Description
mitochondrial methionine-tRNA ligase Msm1 (predicted)

AspGD Description
Ortholog(s) have mitochondrion localization


Tzagoloff A, et al. (1989 Feb 1). Characterization of MSM1, the structural gene for yeast mitochondrial methionyl-tRNA synthetase.

Carpy A, et al. (2014 Aug). Absolute proteome and phosphoproteome dynamics during the cell cycle of Schizosaccharomyces pombe (Fission Yeast).

Mitochondrial localization predictions
Predotar TargetP MitoProt
Raw data
Phobius transmembrane predictions
7 genes with posterior transmembrane prediction > 50%