

Genes: 33

SGD Description
Glutamine tRNA synthetase; monomeric class I tRNA synthetase that catalyzes the specific glutaminylation of tRNA(Gln); N-terminal domain proposed to be involved in enzyme-tRNA interactions

PomBase Description
cytoplasmic glutaminyl-tRNA ligase Qrs1 (predicted)

AspGD Description
Ortholog(s) have cytosol localization


Ludmerer SW, et al. (1987 Aug 5). Gene for yeast glutamine tRNA synthetase encodes a large amino-terminal extension and provides a strong confirmation of the signature sequence for a group of the aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases.

Mitochondrial localization predictions
Predotar TargetP MitoProt
Raw data
Phobius transmembrane predictions
0 genes with posterior transmembrane prediction > 50%