

Genes: 13

AspGD Description
Has domain(s) with predicted oxidoreductase activity and role in oxidation-reduction process


Oberegger H, et al. (2002 Nov). Regulation of freA, acoA, lysF, and cycA expression by iron availability in Aspergillus nidulans.

Haas H, et al. (2003 Sep). Molecular genetics of fungal siderophore biosynthesis and uptake: the role of siderophores in iron uptake and storage.

Aguirre J, et al. (2005 Mar). Reactive oxygen species and development in microbial eukaryotes.

Semighini CP, et al. (2008 Aug). Regulation of apical dominance in Aspergillus nidulans hyphae by reactive oxygen species.

Mitochondrial localization predictions
Predotar TargetP MitoProt
Raw data
Phobius transmembrane predictions
13 genes with posterior transmembrane prediction > 50%