Genes: 30
SGD DescriptionNADH diphosphatase (pyrophosphatase); hydrolyzes the pyrophosphate linkage in NADH and related nucleotides; localizes to peroxisomes; nudix hydrolase family member
PomBase DescriptionNADH pyrophosphatase (predicted)
AspGD DescriptionNAD pyrophosphatase
Xu W, et al. (2000 Jul 5). Cloning and characterization of the NADH pyrophosphatases from Caenorhabditis elegans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, members of a Nudix hydrolase subfamily.
Shimizu M, et al. (2012 Sep). Hydrolase controls cellular NAD, sirtuin, and secondary metabolites.
Shimizu M, et al. (2013). Nudix hydrolase controls nucleotides and glycolytic mechanisms in hypoxic Aspergillus nidulans.