

Genes: 24

SGD Description
Protein involved in synthesis of the thiamine precursor HMP; member of a subtelomeric gene family including THI5, THI11, THI12, and THI13; hydroxymethylpyrimidine is also known as HMP|Protein involved in synthesis of the thiamine precursor HMP; member of a subtelomeric gene family including THI5, THI11, THI12, and THI13; hydroxymethylpyrimidine is also known as HMP|Protein involved in synthesis of the thiamine precursor HMP; member of a subtelomeric gene family including THI5, THI11, THI12, and THI13; hydroxymethylpyrimidine is also known as HMP|Protein involved in synthesis of the thiamine precursor HMP; member of a subtelomeric gene family including THI5, THI11, THI12, and THI13; hydroxymethylpyrimidine is also known as HMP

PomBase Description
4-amino-5-hydroxymethyl-2-methylpyrimidine phosphate synthase Nmt1

AspGD Description
Ortholog(s) have thiamine pyrophosphate binding activity, role in hyphal growth, thiamine biosynthetic process and cytosol, nucleus localization


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Niederberger C, et al. (1996 May 24). Amiloride toxicity in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe is released by thiamine and mutations in the thiamine-repressible gene car1.

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McQuire TA, et al. (2006 Oct). Joint regulation of the nmt1 promoter and sporulation by Thi1 and Thi5 in Schizosaccharomyces pombe.

Ishida S, et al. (2008 Feb). The direct precursor of the pyrimidine moiety of thiamin is not urocanic acid but histidine in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

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Coquille S, et al. (2012 Dec 7). The last piece in the vitamin B1 biosynthesis puzzle: structural and functional insight into yeast 4-amino-5-hydroxymethyl-2-methylpyrimidine phosphate (HMP-P) synthase.

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Mitochondrial localization predictions
Predotar TargetP MitoProt
Raw data
Phobius transmembrane predictions
1 genes with posterior transmembrane prediction > 50%