Genes: 33
SGD DescriptionDihydrouridine synthase; member of a widespread family of conserved proteins including Smm1p, Dus3p, and Dus4p; modifies pre-tRNA(Phe) at U17
PomBase DescriptiontRNA dihydrouridine synthase Dus1 (predicted)
AspGD DescriptionOrtholog(s) have tRNA dihydrouridine synthase activity, role in tRNA modification and mitochondrion, nucleus localization
Xing F, et al. (2002 Mar). A conserved family of Saccharomyces cerevisiae synthases effects dihydrouridine modification of tRNA.
Xing F, et al. (2004 Apr 23). The specificities of four yeast dihydrouridine synthases for cytoplasmic tRNAs.
Van Damme P, et al. (2012 Jul 31). N-terminal acetylome analyses and functional insights of the N-terminal acetyltransferase NatB.